Friday, January 30, 2009

The engines are revving up. . .

Today is Friday, January 30, 2009-- I have dug out all my clothes to take on the journey--- I have to remember to keep the clothes baskets and suitcases closed, because Trittie,( the Jack Russell dog), thinks it's great fun to PEE in piles of clothes. She follows me around all day long, as I trip over her and step on her paws--- I 'm sure she knows something's up!-- They are going to stay with Uncle Vet (Miss Daisy's bro) for the duration.

My morning started with a daybreak trip to Sams Club for much needed necessities--- some MORE flashlites, batteries, rolling coolers, toilet paper, books, dvd's, a copier, scanner, drill/screwdrivers, prosciutto, paper towels, 700 bottles of water and a receipt 24 inches long!!!--

Miss Daisy ( aka, Joe) leaves me notes each morning telling me I need to wear a helmet if I cross the mojave desert 'cause the military uses it for target practice , and to get LIFE jackets in case we cross somewhere where there may be a flash flood, and we should " pick up" a rifle in VEGAS to shoot the coyotes who may swarm us if we become stranded ( from the flash flood, or the target situation)--- so now, picture it, ---Sue and I standing on the roof of my white jeep, wearing our big puffly orange lifejackets, wearing helmets and assuming our defensive positions against the coyote invasion with our rifles--

Sue, in all seriousness, fretted that she didn't want scorpions to "get us"

"Where, pray tell, are we gonna get scorpions?"--Maybe I should take one of the grands' bug boxes to collect them in?

So, tomorrow will be a hectic day, getting it all to come together--- we postponed the trip one day so we could go to the superbowl party at my daughter's house.--Oh dear, Miss Daisy has just thought of another drama-- we should get a LEAD vest when we cross the desert (where they did all those atomic testings back in John Waynes day) to protect ourselves---

signing off for tonight---

Monday, January 19, 2009

Departure date getting CLOSER :*) Jan 19,2009

Well, the time left until our departure is getting shorter--- to complicate things, the cleaning woman is coming tomorrow, which means all the junk I've pulled out for the trip has to get re-stashed! And, I have to anticipate all kinds of screwy weather along the journey. I have a crate with "emergency" stuff in it--- mace, batteries, flashlights, small bat (baseball, not vampire), can o' fix-a-flat, dvd player, emergency phone charger-- now I have to figure out what kinds of clothes to take-- although the journey will probably follow the southern route, the weather channel is yakking about freak storms and cold weather. Miss Daisy ( AKA hubber Joe) has announced that they are kidnapping people traveling in Arizona and holding them for ransom-- he is getting quite the charge outta this, anticipating me wrapped in duct tape somewhere in Arizona.--

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prelog to the adventure

I have just set up a blog to record my "across the country" adventure that will begin on Feb 1, 2009--stay tuned---

right now, it's wednesday, 14 Jan-- I'm busy playing catch up and getting stuff together for the journey-
I am going with my friend , Sue, and we do not have a ROUTE planned, per se, but plan on heading south from here in New York, taking a turn when we reach Florida, and head west out to California-- We hope to travel "back roads, secondary roads, or blue highways, " if you will--if nothing else, it will be "new material"