Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kay's Kafe

Feb 16. Monday

When you last left us, we were burning rubber out of Harley and Annabelle's town-, Erick OK--

-We headed toward Clinton OK-- and explored along the way--- not much happening ~~along about lunchtime, we stopped in this random ghost town at a place called KAY'S KAFE-- a note here: seems everybody in OKLAHOMA, TEXAS, ALABAMA, AND TENNESSEE, love, love, love to spell stuff with "K's"--one of my PERSONAL pet peeves--- I hate it when people do that~~~
there have been Kozy Kottages, Kathy's Kafe, Kum and Go, Moka's Koffee and Kremery, Kathy's Krazy Kwilts, Konnie's Kountry Krafts~~y'all get the idea-- KRAZY :*)~
so anyway, we're in a town called Carter ( one of ONLY 2 places spelled with a "C" --Clinton is the other) at Kay's Kafe, and we walk in-- everybody in there turns and stares-- not a word is spoken-- they all just stare--We tell the lady behind the counter, ( Kay?) we'd like lunch and she looks at us and says, "Well, just sit down anywhere, then"
So we take a booth with red vinyl seats and sit there-- nobody says anything to us--

the lady behind the counter is talking to all the other people in there-- they obviously are locals and eat there everyday-- she runs into the kitchen and brings out some food for the people-- then comes over to us with her pad poised and says, "So, have you decided what you want?"

Sue and I look at each other and then ask her if we can see a MENU?

A look crosses her face, like , "what's a MENU?" or maybe she was trying to think where they might be--apparently nobody ever looks at or orders off of a MENU there
"well, if you WANT to see a menu. . .~~~most people just order the special"
Sue asks her, "Oh!!! what is the special???"
She flips her head in the direction of the back of the restaurant where a white chalkboard was--pad still in the writing position. . .
we craned our necks over there and squinted, trying to read the half wiped off "special"--
I could make out a C" and an "H"--the rest was too blurred out to read---

she's looking rather impatient so nervous Sue blurts out~"OK then, I'll have the special!"
I'm wondering what in the hell the special is--hmmm. . "C?'' H??" must be a cheese sandwich-- maybe toasted cheese???
She then offers, "Those two over there are sharing the special," nodding over her shoulder at a man and an ENORMOUS woman at the next table--
"Oh," we're thinking, "this special must be really really big if that woman only needs half~~
So I ask Sue if she wants to split the special--
She says SURE--
I then ask the woman what the special is-- as she walks away, she says, "It's two chili dogs and chips"
Uh Oh-- I see toilet trouble. . .

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